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Dmitry Moskalenko
Dmitry Moskalenko
Dmitry Moskalenko
Dmitry Moskalenko
ASO manager. In ASO since 2020. Experience in game projects and services.
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7 min read

How to use custom store listings on Google Play: 5 lesser-known tips

Custom store listings on Google Play help you share more about your app or game. You can set up who you want to show them to: for example, residents of a particular region or registered users who have not used your product for a long time. In this article, I'll share how you can use the tool differently to effectively test ASO hypotheses and improve your conversion rate from impressions to installations. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
All articles by author
19 min read

Step-by-step instructions on how to publish an app on Google Play Store

Google Play has 2.5 billion active users per month in over 190 markets worldwide, making it one of the best app stores for attracting traffic to your app. In this article, we will guide you through the process of publishing your app on the Play Store and how to promote it using ASO (App Store Optimization). Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
All articles by author
16 min read

8 mobile app marketing trends in 2022 according to experts

We spoke with experts in mobile app marketing from Phiture, App Growth Summit, REPLUG GmbH, Ada Health, Belka Games, Appbooster, and Diveo Media about what's happening in the mobile market and what to expect in 2022. Read more

Artiom Tkachuk
Artiom Tkachuk
Artiom Tkachuk
Artiom Tkachuk
Asodesk Expert & ASO manager at Onde.app, platforms for creating branded taxi applications and other on-demand services. Over 200 applications in 75 countries. The number of active users is more than 1.3 million people. Artiom has been engaged in ASO for 4 years, he is an ASOdesk blog columnist, and a speaker at different conferences.
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6 min read

How to optimize your Android app description for Google with Natural Language

For Google Play to categorize your app and promote it in Similar Apps, you need to use Google Cloud Natural Language. Learn how you can use this tool to create an effective description that will improve your app's ranking. Read more

Artiom Tkachuk
Artiom Tkachuk
Artiom Tkachuk
Artiom Tkachuk
Asodesk Expert & ASO manager at Onde.app, platforms for creating branded taxi applications and other on-demand services. Over 200 applications in 75 countries. The number of active users is more than 1.3 million people. Artiom has been engaged in ASO for 4 years, he is an ASOdesk blog columnist, and a speaker at different conferences.
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13 min read

Checklist for App Store Optimization in Google Play

I shared the basic principles and features of Google Play store optimization and explained how to work with titles, descriptions, icons, screenshots, reviews, and events to promote apps on Google Play. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
All articles by author
9 min read

14 tips for App Store Optimization (ASO) in the App Store and Google Play

To make your Apple App Store and Google Play Store optimization more effective, we have compiled the top ASO hacks. Find out how you should pick more keywords for the app's semantic core, properly prepare app metadata, and improve your search ranking. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
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13 min read

Tips on how to make app screenshots and video previews for the App Store and Google Play

When creating app screenshots and video previews, app publishers have a lot of questions. In this article, we will show you how to decide on screenshot orientation, quantity, background, color, and size. We’ll also discuss when it is worth using a video preview and what it should look like. Read more

Maria Chernoplyokova
Maria Chernoplyokova
Maria Chernoplyokova
Maria Chernoplyokova
Maria Chernoplyokova is an ASO specialist at ASOdesk. She has been working in mobile marketing since 2017. Maria is writing articles, doing research, promoting mobile apps.
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13 min read

Gaming app page visual optimization trends of 2021

ASOdesk studied 100 free games from the top of the App Store and Google Play in the US. In this article, we have collected statistics on the page design of popular gaming applications, and also spoke to experts about visual optimization trends in 2021. Read more

Maria Chernoplyokova
Maria Chernoplyokova
Maria Chernoplyokova
Maria Chernoplyokova
Maria Chernoplyokova is an ASO specialist at ASOdesk. She has been working in mobile marketing since 2017. Maria is writing articles, doing research, promoting mobile apps.
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14 min read

Visual app store optimization trends of 2021

In order to do visual optimization effectively, you need to follow trends and learn from the best publishers. At ASOdesk, we studied the pages of the top 100 US apps from the App Store and Google Play, distinguished general design trends, as well as took comments from well-known experts about the visual optimization trends of 2021. Read the article and adapt these trends for your applications. Read more

Katerina Belohvostova
Katerina Belohvostova
Katerina Belohvostova
Katerina Belohvostova
ASOdesk Marketing Manager. She is behind all the rough work on social networks, blogs, newsletters, webinars, and ASOdesk Academies. Event organizer of ASO Wine Time and ASO Fuckups. Lovingly solves all your issuies at our events ?
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2 min read

ASOdesk is a recognized IT service! We received 13 ratings and 9 G2 badges

We are excited to share some great news: we received 9 badges from G2! G2 is a highly reputed platform that surveys online business services. This winter we received  thirteen… Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
All articles by author
6 min read

Digest ASO News, November 2020

Apple is cutting commissions down to 15% for a number of publishers. Apps should get Google’s permission for background location access. ASOdesk now has a referral program as well as professional tools for working with reviews and metadata creation. Read all the news in our digest. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
All articles by author
8 min read

How to promote an app on Black Friday: tips from AliExpress, DHgate and PUGS Mobile

Adidas and Best Buy app installs increased by 500% on Black Friday 2019. To make this year Black Friday productive for you, we have collected the best promotions from AliExpress, DHgate, Bangood, PUGS Mobile, Township App, Hero Wars and others. Take inspiration from competitors and adapt their ideas for your application. Read more