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Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
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3 min read

Asodesk now allows you to reply to reviews via Email and Slack

You can now reply to all reviews from the App Store and Google Play through Email and Slack. This is a big help when you don’t have access to the desktop version of Asodesk or need to reply to a review quickly. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
All articles by author
10 min read

How should ASO specialists work with reviews: Top 6 skills + PDF guide

In this article, we'll discuss why it's important for an ASO specialist to work with reviews, what skills will help improve an app's rating, and influence the app promotion in the App Store and Google Play. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
All articles by author
< 1

Asodesk introduces auto-translation of reviews

You will be able to understand foreign users faster as the Reviews & Replies Board now has a feature for automatically translating reviews. Read more about update in this article. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
All articles by author
11 min read

5 ways to deal with negative reviews on the App Store and Google Play

In this article, we'll explain how to respond to negative reviews in order to change users’ opinions. You will also learn how to remove negative reviews from Google Play Store and App Store if moderation doesn't respond to complaints. Read more

Nikolay Peremyslev
Nikolay Peremyslev
Nikolay Peremyslev
Nikolay Peremyslev
Customer Service Manager. Nikolay works with Tinkoff, Tinkoff Business, Tinkoff Junior and other apps. He creates a friendly atmosphere with his team in the App Store and Google Play, engages with customers, and collects their suggestions. Nikolay also presents webinars about working with reviews at Asodesk.
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9 min read

How to reduce time spent responding to reviews on the App Store and Google Play with automation

We have come up with a way to help you respond to Google Play and App Store reviews up to four times faster and reduce customer support costs. Read how to automate your work with reviews so you can allocate more time and effort to solving complex user problems, rather than routine tasks. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
All articles by author
12 min read

How to work with kids app reviews in the App Store and Google Play

Parents install them, kids play them — but who writes reviews about them in the App Store and Google Play? Experts from 1C and DEVGAME explained how to approach the most demanding users of kids apps and offered tips for working with reviews from kids and their parents. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
All articles by author
2 min read

Enhanced work with reviews

With the new settings, you can quickly respond to users and choose tags for reviews, track the most recent reviews that have not yet been deleted, as well as monitor the work of your support specialists. We've also slightly redesigned the Keyword Analytics interface so that you can analyze your data more easily. Read more

Nikita Bobyr
Nikita Bobyr
Nikita Bobyr
Nikita Bobyr
PPC & ASO specialist. In marketing since 2017. Develops marketing strategies, works with all types of traffic, writes about ASO, PPC, and their influence on each other
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10 min read

Top 7 mistakes when working with reviews in the App Store and Google Play

Improper work with reviews leads to a decrease in rating and number of installs, as well as a high number of uninstalls. In this article, I'll discuss the most common mistakes when working with reviews in the App Store and Google Play and give tips on how to prevent them. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
All articles by author
3 min read

Asodesk now automatically responds to reviews and selects tags for them

You no longer need to work with each review manually. Save time analyzing and responding to reviews with Asodesk's automated tools. Read more

Sergey Sharov
Sergey Sharov
Sergey Sharov
Sergey Sharov
Co-founder of ASOdesk and Angle Connect Agency. In ASO since 2013. Creator of the ASOdesk Academy, author of courses, Knowledge Base, certification and testing programs, organizer of ASO Wine Time, and ASO Fuckups events.
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3 min read

You can now integrate ASOdesk with Zendesk

Respond to user reviews from app stores and other sources in one place. Transfer reviews using ASOdesk and work with them in Zendesk or Omnidesk. You can also choose which reviews you want to import into Zendesk. Read more

Sergey Sharov
Sergey Sharov
Sergey Sharov
Sergey Sharov
Co-founder of ASOdesk and Angle Connect Agency. In ASO since 2013. Creator of the ASOdesk Academy, author of courses, Knowledge Base, certification and testing programs, organizer of ASO Wine Time, and ASO Fuckups events.
All articles by author
4 min read

New app rating and reviews analytics

With the latest ASOdesk tools update, your customer support and marketing team will find working with user reviews even easier. We've added a rating analysis tool, tracking deleted reviews on the App Store and Google Play, and new filters by country and app review changes. These features will make it easier to analyze reviews on the App Store and Google Play. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
All articles by author
16 min read

9 tips for working with reviews on App Store and Google Play

If you don't reply to user reviews, you can get low ratings, high uninstall rates, and poor install conversion rates. To avoid this, you need to monitor reviews and reply to them on a daily basis. But such work requires a lot of time and resources, which are often not available. In this article, we'll give you 9 tips on how to track new reviews and reply to them faster and more efficiently. Read more