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Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
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10 min read

When ASO will start bringing results

The results of the App Store Optimization can be disappointing. To prevent this from happening, you need to understand the nuances of the niche and build realistic expectations. In this article, we will discuss which factors affect app promotion, when the result of ASO will be noticeable and what to do if expectations have not been met. Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
2 min read

Bug On The App Store Impacts on Downloads

On the App Store, starting from May 16, 2019, to the present, Apple stopped indexing subtitles with 30 symbols. If your app has 30 characters in the subtitle, so the… Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
14 min read

Why Your ASO Is Not Perfect or a Detailed Manual on App Search Optimization on the App Store and Google Play

The Mobile apps and games market has become so competitive that most developers have to make more and more effort, so that potential users are able to find their applications… Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
6 min read

ASOdesk Index Germany Apps: Brand and Non-Brand Searches

One of the ASO manager’s objectives is looking for keyword searches that can significantly boost an app’s visibility in search listing. This requires the analysis of relevant keyword searches and… Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
4 min read

5 simple tips to get your app indexed on Google Play

Developers care a lot for their product to appear more frequently in application stores’ search results. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to do some proper work on… Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
3 min read

3 Reasons Why You Need Iterations in ASO

People frequently ask us about why would anyone need iterations? Why can’t you just get all of the search queries at once and optimally place them into the application metadata?… Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
8 min read

Top 10 Recommendations on Screenshot Visual Optimization

Visual elements of a page is the face of your product. When landing on your application’s page in the App Store or Google Play, the user initially notices the icon and… Read more

Sergey Sharov
Sergey Sharov
Sergey Sharov
Sergey Sharov
Co-founder of ASOdesk and Angle Connect Agency. In ASO since 2013. Creator of the ASOdesk Academy, author of courses, Knowledge Base, certification and testing programs, organizer of ASO Wine Time, and ASO Fuckups events.
All articles by author
7 min read

Top 7 Mistakes Made by ASO Rookies

At ASOdesk, we believe that ASO (App Store Optimization) isn’t rocket science. For us, ASO is a properly adjusted set of processes on semantic core building, its analysis, and identification… Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
2 min read

Game Search Index: Augmented reality games are the future

After the release of Pokémon GO, augmented reality has became the most popular subcategory of search request in the App Store. The ASOdesk.com team has conducted its own study of App… Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
2 min read

Search Brand Index: What are US and UK over branded iOS app types?

Second subcategory research in the field of mobile search traffic by ASOdesk team. Now it’s time to identify — what percentage of mobile traffic goes for brands, and how many percents of… Read more