App Store Optimization
Ins and Outs
free video course
Get lectures from experts and grow your app in the App Store and Google Play search
Sergey, СЕО Asodesk
The 11th Asodesk Academy was held in April 2020. During one week students mastered all the intricacies of App Store Optimization.

In order to help more people become ASO specialists, we decided to share the recordings of lectures.

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all our lectures.
The free video course is:
hours per lecture
Course outline
  • ASO must have or not: introductory lesson
      Learn what tasks ASO involves, important skills ASO specialists should have, and which apps need App Store Optimization
    • How to do ASO on Google Play: basic principles and rules
      Learn the basic principles and features of promoting apps on Google Play
    • Building the semantic core + Special aspects of Asian languages
      Learn about text optimization, differences between the App Store and Google Play search algorithms, as well as keyword research and metadata compilation in Arabic, Japanese, and Thai
    • The Tears of ASO
      Learn about common problems that every ASO specialist regularly encounters
    • ASO Performance Measurement
      Learn what text optimization includes, types of metrics, and typical mistakes in measuring text ASO performance
    • Working with iterations and keywords in ASO
      Learn about iterations of textual optimization: goals of iterations, outreach iterations, relevance iterations, install rate improvement iterations, as well as how to work with keywords in ASO
    • Growth hypotheses of the mobile application through an express audit
      Learn about modeling for increased conversions and installs, growth models, and sample express audits
    • Competitor Analysis
      Learn why an ASO specialist needs to study competitors, what types of competitors exist, and what information can be analyzed
    • Make the full description of the Android app understandable for human Google
      Learn about preparing descriptions. Also, find out what Google NL is, categories of Google NL, and how to influence the results of Google NL
    Watch the first two lectures now
    Our lecturer explains why ASO is important, why it is vital to synch with paid traffic, what is the difference between the ASO specialist and the ASO lead, and how to pick an ASO tool.
    In the second lecture, Artiom explains to students how to work with assembling keywords, composing the description and text metadata on Google Play.
    Our lecturer explains why ASO is important, why it is vital to synch with paid traffic, what is the difference between the ASO specialist and the ASO lead, and how to pick an ASO tool.
    In the second lecture, Artiom explains to students how to work with assembling keywords, composing the description and text metadata on Google Play.
    Watch the rest of the lectures from the course
    Leave your contact details and we will email you all the records of the course lectures on ASO for free: 1 lecture per day
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