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Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
All articles by author
21 min read

Top 18 app promotion challenges you can solve with Asodesk

To effectively promote an app in the App Store and Google Play, publishers need to conduct App Store Optimization, work with reviews, as well as study competitors and the market. In this article, we will explain how to solve all these tasks with the help of Asodesk. Learn about all the features on the platform in one guide and learn how to apply them to your work. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
All articles by author
6 min read

Asodesk now has custom reports and notifications

You can customize your own reports and instantly learn about important changes in keywords, reviews, featuring, and promotion metrics. Read more on how it works and how to use it. Read more

Sergey Sharov
Sergey Sharov
Sergey Sharov
Sergey Sharov
Co-founder of ASOdesk and Angle Connect Agency. In ASO since 2013. Creator of the ASOdesk Academy, author of courses, Knowledge Base, certification and testing programs, organizer of ASO Wine Time, and ASO Fuckups events.
All articles by author
10 min read

How to save time building your app’s semantic core

Building a semantic core is the longest and most labor-intensive stage of ASO. It takes up to 70% of ASO specialists' time. We made an app store optimization guide on how to build a semantic core faster and avoid missing any important queries. Read more

Sergey Sharov
Sergey Sharov
Sergey Sharov
Sergey Sharov
Co-founder of ASOdesk and Angle Connect Agency. In ASO since 2013. Creator of the ASOdesk Academy, author of courses, Knowledge Base, certification and testing programs, organizer of ASO Wine Time, and ASO Fuckups events.
All articles by author
6 min read

Brand new ASOdesk now available for all users

We spent the whole of last fall restructuring the platform to bring you a completely new ASOdesk with improved navigation, increased speed, more convenient Optimizer, and unlimited tools for working with reviews in beta. Read more

Sergey Sharov
Sergey Sharov
Sergey Sharov
Sergey Sharov
Co-founder of ASOdesk and Angle Connect Agency. In ASO since 2013. Creator of the ASOdesk Academy, author of courses, Knowledge Base, certification and testing programs, organizer of ASO Wine Time, and ASO Fuckups events.
All articles by author
4 min read

ASOdesk global update and advanced tools for replying to reviews

We are introducing a completely updated ASOdesk interface with improved navigation and enhanced functionality, as well as tools for automated work with reviews. Read more

Katerina Belohvostova
Katerina Belohvostova
Katerina Belohvostova
Katerina Belohvostova
ASOdesk Marketing Manager. She is behind all the rough work on social networks, blogs, newsletters, webinars, and ASOdesk Academies. Event organizer of ASO Wine Time and ASO Fuckups. Lovingly solves all your issuies at our events ?
All articles by author
2 min read

ASOdesk has raised $1,000,000

We are pleased to announce that ASOdesk has raised its first round of investment in the amount of $1 000 000 for a minority share. Embria was the investor. Read more

Katerina Belohvostova
Katerina Belohvostova
Katerina Belohvostova
Katerina Belohvostova
ASOdesk Marketing Manager. She is behind all the rough work on social networks, blogs, newsletters, webinars, and ASOdesk Academies. Event organizer of ASO Wine Time and ASO Fuckups. Lovingly solves all your issuies at our events ?
All articles by author
7 min read

A quick way to make ASO on other languages

Entering new markets could be one of the possible growth points for your mobile applications. For a competent new market entrance, it is crucial to conduct localization not just for… Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
14 min read

Why Your ASO Is Not Perfect or a Detailed Manual on App Search Optimization on the App Store and Google Play

The Mobile apps and games market has become so competitive that most developers have to make more and more effort, so that potential users are able to find their applications… Read more

ASOdesk celebrates 3 years

ASOdesk celebrates three years from the launch of our first product. We are celebrating our anniversary, and we are happy that you are with us. From our launch to the… Read more

ASO Dashboard — New Free Beta Tool from ASOdesk

Today, ASOdesk launches a new FREE beta tool named ASO Dashboard. The tool integrates with App Store Connect. It is designed for convenient analytics of data on installs, page views… Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
6 min read

4 ASO Life Hacks: Reaching out to More Users and Increasing Installs

High competition in the mobile app market makes developers look for more new ways of their products’ promotion. When the main ASO tools have already been put to use, additional… Read more