Start App Store Optimization with our free tools
Find new keywords and popular competitors' apps, and optimize your semantic core for different languages
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Trusted by over 300+ app & game developers
Use our free tools for App Store Optimization
No registration, no card, absolutely free forever
Top Charts
Discover all the popular apps with the Top Charts tool. Find the apps that rank highest in any category on the App Store or Google Play in more than 100 countries.
Trending Searches
Track trending searches and follow surges of activity. Monitor all the queries that have been in Trending Searches and the history of their changes. Get notifications via Email or Slack and you'll always know where the growth of your organic downloads comes from.
Conversion Rate Benchmark
Analyze your сonversion rate and find out whether your ASO strategy is performing properly. Compare your conversion rate with the average conversion rate in the market. The Conversion Rate Benchmark tool analyzes the conversion rate on the App Store separately for apps and games in 100 countries around the world.
App Store Localization Table
Go global and find available localizations in countries of interest. Use an auto-updated table of localizations on the App Store, where you can always see which localizations need to be developed in each specific country.
Keyword Shuffler
Easy way to find new long-tail keywords for building your semantic core. This is the perfect tool for semantic core collection, which means you can skip sorting out your keywords manually. Enter up to four words and press the Shuffle button. This tool will offer you a huge number of variations.
Keyword Density Counter
Optimize and analyze your description in order to improve your ASO. Type text to see how many times a word is repeated in your app's description, and review the keyword density.
Head of Email and Portal Business Unit,
We are using the platform Asodesk to track our app in the Search results of App Store and Google Play. The system is very good and gets all the required tasks done easily. We hope that these guys will continue to develop the product and will add more and more features.
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Ivan Elksninsh
Welcome to the Asodesk! We'd be happy to explain our tools to you in our 30-minute product tour, help you set up basic functions for free, and give you the full access to the trial. We're here to help you grow you app faster!
Sales and Customer Success Lead
Great things start small
Free Plan
Get started with general ASO tools and limited access
200 keywords
1 app
100 replies per month
9 Competitor Apps per Country
100 API credits per month
ASO Monitoring
Top Charts & Category Rankings
Email & Slack Reports
Reviews Analytics
Replies-to-Reviews Tools
App Store Release Manager Tools
no credit card required
ASO Monitoring
Top Charts & Category Rankings
Email & Slack Reports
Reviews Analytics
Replies-to-Reviews Tools
App Store Release Manager Tools
1 teammates
10 teammates
all free features plus
Real-Time ASO Monitoring
Daily Keyword Impressions
Competitors Spy
Advanced Keyword Research
ASO Automatization
Advanced ASO Analytics
Localization Tools
all free features plus
unlimited historical data
7500 API credits per month
135 Competitor Apps per Country
1 000 replies per month
15 apps
1 500 keywords
Try full access to all the features for free and get a 30-minute product tour
Full Access + Product Tour
Check out our products
All-in-one solution to grow your app
on the App Store & Google Play
App Store Optimization
Increase your app or game visibility and organic downloads on App Store and Google Play to grow your business
Replies to Reviews
Reply to Reviews, Monitor and Analyze Customer Feedback in the App Store and Google Play to increase your Rating and get insights
App Analytics
Analyze the conversion of each individual traffic source, ASO performance, organic remarketing, viral traffic, and advertising traffic's influence on organic traffic
Competitor Research
Find all useful information about competitors' apps, analyze it, and find growth points via Advanced Analytics tools
Store Console
Create, update and store your app's metadata and easily publish your apps on the App Store
Top Charts & Store Analytics
Get a window into the App Store & Google Play: discover trending apps, track trending searches, monitor popular keywords in any country
App Monitoring
Get updates and track your app's ranking across keywords and top charts. Monitor real-time data on your ASO performance and track your and competitors' key metrics
Keyword Boost
Become top-1 in App Store search results by every query
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ASO Director, Gambino Slots

We have been working with Asodesk for more than a year. We have also tried using other services simultaneously. But our view is that Asodesk is the most convenient one, when it comes to keyword research. We are using almost all of the service's capabilities, and we have significantly increased our search queue positions in the App Store and Google Play.
App Store & Google Play Intelligence API
Build your own boards and get all historical data through your interface
Available integrations
You can track all available metrics via Daily and Weekly reports via Email, Slack
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