Get updates and track your app's ranking across keywords and top charts. Monitor real time data on your ASO performance and track both your competitors' key metrics as well as your own
Stay up-to-date with your app performance
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Trusted by over 300+ app & game developers
100+ countries
Explore applications and track keywords in more than 100 countries
Why customers choose us
We offer an all-in-one solution for app monitoring
App Store & Google Play
Monitor and analyze your app in both the App Store and Google Play
Monitor your app's ranking across keywords
Track and monitor category rankings for any app
ASO efficiency
All-in-one solution for analyzing ASO strategy effectively
App metrics
Stay up-to-date with app key metrics
Learn why your customers value your app
Compare your app's key metrics with those of competitors
CEO, Aloha Mobile
When we were selecting ASO tools, we immediately excluded those who were presenting broad data in exchange for our iTunes connect logins. Asodesk is optimal for our targets, and we have made just the right choice! We are using all the Asodesk functions available, as they provide maximum effectiveness, substantially saving us time.
Data & insights to make the right decision
We analyze huge amounts of data to provide you with high-quality insights
Check your app's ranking across keywords and analyze keyword performance
Analyze real-time data for all the keywords you use

Get real-time data with Keyword Table and evaluate your ASO strategy performance on the spot. Track historical rankings and best positions of apps for important search queries for the time period and country of your choice. Analyze daily impressions and evaluate the long-term efficiency of your ASO strategy.

Check keywords performance quickly

Browse historical rankings of keywords used in your app and compare their performance against competitors. Select the time period you need and analyze all your keyword history in a single view. Monitor how search query rankings change over time.

Track your app's positions in categories and top charts
Monitor your app ranking within categories in more than 100 countries

Browse different categories where your app is featured. Monitor how your app's position has evolved over time. Add competitors to the same view to benchmark your performance against your peers.

Check your app's latest ranking by category and country

Find out how your app has scored within specific categories and overall in 100+ countries worldwide. Identify countries where your app ranks highest. Learn how you can improve in countries where you lag behind.

Marketing Manager, OneTwoTrip

As far as I know, Asodesk has the most realistic picture of keyword frequency, since it's using mobile internet data, while all the other data is taken from a web search. This is their fundamental difference. Using their service, we managed to build dashboards that allow us to monitor the numbers of competitor app installations.
Track your ASO Efficiency to make your strategy rig
A single chart to track your ASO performance

Check your app ranking by the keywords you use. Monitor how your overall performance has changed for any period, or dive deeper to find out how well you are performing in specific keywords, impressions, page views, or app units.

Comprehensive analytics to study each of the keywords you use

Stay up-to-date with the latest developments of your app rankings in all the keywords you use. Check all the newly added keywords or the keywords your app has just removed. Learn how many daily impressions each of the keywords brings you as well as the app rating metrics for all of them.

Start monitoring your app performance for free
no credit card required
Track internal app metrics and find out whether your ASO strategy is efficient
Quantify and monitor the value you get from ASO

Estimate the real value brought to you from ASO based on actual data from App Store Connect. Use all ASO Dashboard opportunities to the maximum for convenient analytics of data on installs, product page views of the application and interactions on the App Store.

Analyze your сonversion rate and find new insights

Analyze the conversion rate to installations for each traffic source by day of the week, find out on which days there was a change, and compare it with benchmarks.

Track the key metrics of your competitors' apps
Track your competitors' search rankings within app categories

Add multiple competitors to a single chart and monitor how their search rankings within specific categories have evolved over time. Switch to a summary view to see how your competitors scored within specific categories in 100+ countries worldwide.

Compare the positions of apps in search

Learn the latest search result positions of your competitors, compared to those of your app. Data is presented in a table view filled with competitors' icons, which allows for an easy and comprehensive user experience.

A single chart to track your competitors' search rankings

Track how your competitors' rankings have evolved over time for the same keywords that are used in your app. Check your performance against competitors and adjust your ASO strategy accordingly.

This is a great tool for all those who seek to increase the visibility of their apps on the App Store and Google Play. This service is fast, easy to use and provides stats for every keyword. You can easily check how many users your app gets from every keyword, and how app's positions change from version to version.
Available integrations
You can track all available metrics via Daily and Weekly reports via Email and Slack
More features
24/7 support
Unlimited history
Our technical and client support is always there to support you
Go back in time to discover any data for any period you want
Team access
Work as a team and get your app to the top. Invite your colleagues and manage their access roles
App Store & Google Play Intelligence API
Build your own boards and get all historical data through your interface
Check out our products
All-in-one solution to grow your app
on the App Store & Google Play
App Store Optimization
Increase your app or game visibility and organic downloads on App Store and Google Play to grow your business
Replies to Reviews
Reply to Reviews, Monitor and Analyze Customer Feedback in the App Store and Google Play to increase your Rating and get insights
App Analytics
Analyze the conversion of each individual traffic source, ASO performance, organic remarketing, viral traffic, and advertising traffic's influence on organic traffic
Competitor Research
Find all useful information about competitors' apps, analyze it, and find growth points via Advanced Analytics tools
Store Console
Create, update and store your app's metadata and easily publish your apps on the App Store
Top Charts & Store Analytics
Get a window into the App Store & Google Play: discover trending apps, track trending searches, monitor popular keywords in any country
App Monitoring
Get updates and track your app's ranking across keywords and top charts. Monitor real-time data on your ASO performance and track your and competitors' key metrics
Keyword Boost
Become top-1 in App Store search results by every query
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Start monitoring your app performance for free
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