Asodesk now automatically responds to reviews and selects tags for them
You no longer need to work with each review manually. Save time analyzing and responding to reviews with Asodesk’s automated tools.
We’ve added Auto-Replies and Auto-Tags tools that let you automatically respond to reviews and tag them. We have also simplified your work in the Tags section. Read on to learn how to use the new features.
Respond to reviews using Auto-Replies
Create rules for replying to reviews in automated mode. You can respond with a pre-created template, a random template, or a concern.
Customize the rules for automatic responses based on the following criteria:
- Review text
- Review rating
- Review length
- Review language
- The presence or absence of a tag
Asodesk allows you to combine multiple criteria, which makes customization even easier.
If it is important for you to control each response manually, enable Approval mode. This feature will send you a notification about each response, and you can choose to allow or reject it.
You can find more detailed instructions on how to set up Auto-Replies in the Help Center.
Tag reviews using Auto-Tags
Now there is no need to manually select tags for each review — Asodesk will do it for you. Set up automatic tagging. Just select a tag and specify the conditions by which you want to automatically tag reviews. The criteria are very similar to those for Auto-Replies:
- Review text
- Review rating
- Review length
- Review language
Read the detailed instructions on fine-tuning this tool in the Help Center.
Working with tags is easier now
We’ve updated the Tags section to make it easier to work with tags and tag categories.
We added a Create button for switching to the tag or category creation. The creation interfaces themselves were moved to a separate sidebar and are now more user-friendly.
You can create a tag and immediately select a rule for its automation.
Earlier, we discussed new features for analyzing ratings and app reviews, as well as saving filter settings for working with reviews. Learn more and test these features on Asodesk.
To enable Auto-replies and Auto-tags on your plan, write to Try these new features and see how much time you save when working with reviews.