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Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
5 min read

Using Branded Keywords in ASO Strategy

Branded keywords drive close to 50% of the App Store search traffic, according to SplitMetrics. Many apps want to eat a piece of that search traffic pie from the one… Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
5 min read

November 2019: NEW ASO Comparative Report, Mobile view and more

We glad to introduce you to an entirely new ASO Comparative report with a possibility of connection to App Store Connect, a new detailed Keyword Ranking Distribution chart, an improved… Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
3 min read

ASO News October 2019

Here you can find the ASO news digest, updates from the App Store and Google Play that happened in October. We are trying to collect here small news, that are… Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
2 min read

ASO News September 2019

Here you can find the ASO news digest, updates from the App Store and Google Play that happened in September. Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
10 min read

Visual Optimization Guide for the App Store and Google Play

It’s not enough to just draw users to the product page on the App Store or Google Play as part of your ASO strategy. Your goal is to get people… Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
4 min read

ASO News August 2019

We decided to try a new ASO news format for us. Every month we will publish the most interesting news from the ASO world which collected Altai Zeynalov, creator of… Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
2 min read

Bug On The App Store Impacts on Downloads

On the App Store, starting from May 16, 2019, to the present, Apple stopped indexing subtitles with 30 symbols. If your app has 30 characters in the subtitle, so the… Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
14 min read

Why Your ASO Is Not Perfect or a Detailed Manual on App Search Optimization on the App Store and Google Play

The Mobile apps and games market has become so competitive that most developers have to make more and more effort, so that potential users are able to find their applications… Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
5 min read

July 2019: Renewed Organic Report, ASO Dashboard Huge Update

In the July ASOdesk update: a new Organic Report with a possibility of connecting to the App Store Connect. We updated ASO Dashboard filters and added saved filters to the… Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
3 min read

Why should you avoid using ASO services based on data from iOS 1O?

One thing that is very important for App Store Optimization is data accuracy; that is why you should choose ASO tool wisely. Starting from iOS 11 the App Store in… Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
4 min read

News Digest ASOdesk #6 June 2019

In the latest digest from ASOdesk, you will find the latest market news, our most recent product updates, and announcements of events for ASO professionals! Read more

ASOdesk celebrates 3 years

ASOdesk celebrates three years from the launch of our first product. We are celebrating our anniversary, and we are happy that you are with us. From our launch to the… Read more