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Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
2 min read

New Free Tool Top Keywords

We are introducing the new free tool, Top Keywords, which you can use to research top queries in any country represented in ASOdesk. Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
6 min read

How to Make your Data Analysis of Traffic on the App Store Clear and Effective

Dmitry Kofman, the ASO Director for Gambino Slots, told us how they work with App Store Connect data and why correct data visualization is essential for both the ASO manager… Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
2 min read

New languages in the App Store Connect: Arabic and Hebrew

Recently in the App Store Connect were added new languages: Arabic and Hebrew. Now developers can localize their applications for users in the countries where these languages are dominated. Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
2 min read

Apple WWDC 2019 Review: iOS 13 and More

Yesterday Apple announced at its annual developer conference. WWDC 2019: details about new coming iOS 13 and updates. We collected all features that can impact on ASO and mobile marketing. Read more

ASOdesk Celebrates 17,000 Users

Today, we are excited to announce our milestone: ASOdesk is reaching 17,000 users! Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
4 min read

ASOdesk Search Index Games Germany: Brand and Non-Brand Searches

This article is a part of our study of popular searches in Germany. In this article, we will analyze in detail how users in the selected country are searching for… Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
6 min read

ASOdesk Index Germany Apps: Brand and Non-Brand Searches

One of the ASO manager’s objectives is looking for keyword searches that can significantly boost an app’s visibility in search listing. This requires the analysis of relevant keyword searches and… Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
7 min read

App Promotion in China: Localization, ASO

Chinese market continues to grow and many mobile developers still consider it a real titbit, because its mobile audience alone makes 1,132 million people, according to Jihuang’s statistics. In 2018,… Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
4 min read

5 simple tips to get your app indexed on Google Play

Developers care a lot for their product to appear more frequently in application stores’ search results. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to do some proper work on… Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
8 min read

Trends 2019: Visual Optimization for Mobile Games

Mobile games market is even more competitive, than the mobile app market. The number of games on both platforms constantly increases. In 2018, the App Store had 811,911 games, while… Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
3 min read

3 Reasons Why You Need Iterations in ASO

People frequently ask us about why would anyone need iterations? Why can’t you just get all of the search queries at once and optimally place them into the application metadata?… Read more

ASO Dashboard — New Free Beta Tool from ASOdesk

Today, ASOdesk launches a new FREE beta tool named ASO Dashboard. The tool integrates with App Store Connect. It is designed for convenient analytics of data on installs, page views… Read more