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Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
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4 min read

Black Friday at Asodesk: up to 40% off all plans

From November 20–26, Asodesk is offering a Black Friday special — you can get up to 40% off all plans for ASO and work with reviews. In this article, we will tell you more about the promotion, share results users have achieved thanks to Asodesk, and remind you of the recent changes to our platform. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
All articles by author
7 min read

ASO news digest for October 2023

Apple announced new delivery metrics in the Push Notifications Console. Google will release AI apps to easily report offensive content. Angle Agency is offering up to 30% off all ASO services until November 30. Read all the latest App Store Optimization news in our October digest. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
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10 min read

ASO news digest for September 2023

Apple announced that pre-orders by region are now available. Google Play Store introduced "The Play Report" YouTube Shorts series. Asodesk introduced the global update of its navigation. Read all the relevant App Store Optimization news from the App Store, Google Play, and Asodesk in this digest. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
All articles by author
7 min read

Promote an App Faster with Asodesk’s New Navigation

Introducing Asodesk's biggest navigation update since 2020. We conducted dozens of interviews with ASO specialists to help create the most intuitive and efficient product that is easy to master for specialists of any level. Learn how the new navigation works, how tool names have changed, and what to expect from Asodesk in the future. Read more

Kiryl Martsinovich
Kiryl Martsinovich
Kiryl Martsinovich
Kiryl Martsinovich
Freelance ASO (App Store Optimization) specialist with over 1 year of experience. Works not only with Google Play and the App Store but is also actively studying and experimenting with the algorithms of alternative app stores (Xiaomi GetApps, Huawei AppGallery).
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16 min read

ASO vs SEO: how SEO specialists can master ASO quickly

If you are an SEO specialist who has been asked to conduct App Store Optimization (ASO) for a company, this article is for you. In this article, we discuss how ASO can help businesses, what the difference between ASO and SEO is, what ranking factors are important to consider when optimizing, and how one can quickly master all 8 stages of ASO. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
All articles by author
5 min read

ASO news digest for August 2023

Apple added a System Help Screen for payment issues with iOS apps. Google changed the “Ads” badge to “Sponsored” on Google Play. Asodesk conducted research on new search suggestions on the App Store. Catch up on all important App Store Optimization news from the App Store, Google Play, and Asodesk in this digest. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
All articles by author
8 min read

New Search Suggestions on the App Store for the week

We've identified new popular search suggestions on the App Store over the past week from various countries. The goal of this article is to help you understand shifts in user demand across the USA, United Kingdom, China, Japan, Germany, Canada, and other countries. Continue reading to find out which new keywords could boost traffic to your app. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
All articles by author
9 min read

ASO news digest for July 2023

Google unveils a revamped Play Store for large-screen devices. App Store price changes took effect on July 25 for the Egypt, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Türkiye storefronts. Asodesk has introduced a Tags Analysis Tool and Integration with Usedesk. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
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4 min read

We have added the option to analyze tags on reviews and integrated Asodesk with Usedesk

Introducing the new Tags Analysis tool, which allows you to analyze user problems more effectively. Now you can analyze review categories based on the tags you previously selected. We have also added a new integration, allowing you to work with reviews from app stores within the Usedesk dashboard. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
All articles by author
9 min read

Failing to recoup app advertising costs: what can I do?

High cost per install, poor conversion, and low ROAS are a nightmare for any UA specialist. We will explain how you can solve these problems and walk you through the most relevant approach to UA used by top advertisers in 2023. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
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4 min read

Asodesk’s birthday: top updates and discounts of up to 45%

This June, Asodesk turns 7! In these seven years, we have grown from a small ASO tool into a comprehensive platform for ASO, Reply-to-Reviews Automation, and Competitor Research. In this article, we will discuss past platform updates, our plans, as well as gifts to celebrate the company's birthday. Read more

Alexander Vereshchagin
Alexander Vereshchagin
Alexander Vereshchagin
Alexander Vereshchagin
Alexander Vereshchagin, ASO Lead at Angle Connect. Alexander does ASO for foreign markets — primarily for East Asia. He works daily with 10 languages and adapts ASO to different cultures. Since 2016, he has been the author of books in the publishing houses “IPIO” and “Exmo”.
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10 min read

WWDC23: Top 12 updates for iOS developers

On June 5, Apple held its annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC23) for developers. In this article, we have compiled the top 12 most important updates introduced at the WWDC23 and explained how they can affect your work in the App Store. Read our review of the main events and expert opinions. Read more