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Maria Chernoplyokova
Maria Chernoplyokova
Maria Chernoplyokova
Maria Chernoplyokova
Maria Chernoplyokova is an ASO specialist at ASOdesk. She has been working in mobile marketing since 2017. Maria is writing articles, doing research, promoting mobile apps.
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7 min read

How much you should be investing in ASO

It is important for app publishers to know how to work with ASO correctly: how much to invest, and whether to hire an in-house specialist, freelancer, or agency. In this article, we will discuss how you can choose a contractor and roughly estimate an optimization budget depending on the specifics of your business. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
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11 min read

How to build a semantic core for your app: step-by-step guide

Building a semantic core is the most important part of App Store Optimization, which the effectiveness of further promotion depends on. You need to find specific keywords that will bring you installs from the search. In this article we will explain in detail how to properly build a semantic core. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
All articles by author
10 min read

When ASO will start bringing results

The results of the App Store Optimization can be disappointing. To prevent this from happening, you need to understand the nuances of the niche and build realistic expectations. In this article, we will discuss which factors affect app promotion, when the result of ASO will be noticeable and what to do if expectations have not been met. Read more

Artiom Tkachuk
Artiom Tkachuk
Artiom Tkachuk
Artiom Tkachuk
Asodesk Expert & ASO manager at Onde.app, platforms for creating branded taxi applications and other on-demand services. Over 200 applications in 75 countries. The number of active users is more than 1.3 million people. Artiom has been engaged in ASO for 4 years, he is an ASOdesk blog columnist, and a speaker at different conferences.
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2 min read

Everything an ASO specialist needs to know: 9 videos

The first ASOdesk Academy for English-speaking audiences was held in June. During one week our students mastered all the intricacies of app store optimization. Students learned how to optimize applications… Read more

Sergey Sharov
Sergey Sharov
Sergey Sharov
Sergey Sharov
Co-founder of ASOdesk and Angle Connect Agency. In ASO since 2013. Creator of the ASOdesk Academy, author of courses, Knowledge Base, certification and testing programs, organizer of ASO Wine Time, and ASO Fuckups events.
All articles by author
7 min read

What affects the position of the app on the App Store and Google Play?

To bring an application to top positions of App Store and Google Play, one needs to know what affects its placement. In this article Sergey Sharov, co-founder of ASOdesk and… Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
13 min read

ASO and App Localization: The Essential Strategy to Grow User Base

In this post, ASOdesk and Inlingo have teamed up to tell you about game and app localization. Based on our experience, we think that it is essential to localize both… Read more

Research of competitive mobile niches in app stores based on data from ASOdesk

From this read, you will know how to use all ASOdesk’s features for market research of competitive niches and market capacity. I am Anna Benkis, ASO manager at Dabltech, will… Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
10 min read

Visual Optimization Guide for the App Store and Google Play

It’s not enough to just draw users to the product page on the App Store or Google Play as part of your ASO strategy. Your goal is to get people… Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
3 min read

Why should you avoid using ASO services based on data from iOS 1O?

One thing that is very important for App Store Optimization is data accuracy; that is why you should choose ASO tool wisely. Starting from iOS 11 the App Store in… Read more

Nika Grigorieva
Nika Grigorieva
3 min read

3 Reasons Why You Need Iterations in ASO

People frequently ask us about why would anyone need iterations? Why can’t you just get all of the search queries at once and optimally place them into the application metadata?… Read more

Sergey Sharov
Sergey Sharov
Sergey Sharov
Sergey Sharov
Co-founder of ASOdesk and Angle Connect Agency. In ASO since 2013. Creator of the ASOdesk Academy, author of courses, Knowledge Base, certification and testing programs, organizer of ASO Wine Time, and ASO Fuckups events.
All articles by author
7 min read

Top 7 Mistakes Made by ASO Rookies

At ASOdesk, we believe that ASO (App Store Optimization) isn’t rocket science. For us, ASO is a properly adjusted set of processes on semantic core building, its analysis, and identification… Read more