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Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
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9 min read

ASO news digest for July 2023

Google unveils a revamped Play Store for large-screen devices. App Store price changes took effect on July 25 for the Egypt, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Türkiye storefronts. Asodesk has introduced a Tags Analysis Tool and Integration with Usedesk. Read more

Alexander Vereshchagin
Alexander Vereshchagin
Alexander Vereshchagin
Alexander Vereshchagin
Alexander Vereshchagin, ASO Lead at Angle Connect. Alexander does ASO for foreign markets — primarily for East Asia. He works daily with 10 languages and adapts ASO to different cultures. Since 2016, he has been the author of books in the publishing houses “IPIO” and “Exmo”.
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10 min read

WWDC23: Top 12 updates for iOS developers

On June 5, Apple held its annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC23) for developers. In this article, we have compiled the top 12 most important updates introduced at the WWDC23 and explained how they can affect your work in the App Store. Read our review of the main events and expert opinions. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
All articles by author
10 min read

ASO news digest for May 2023

In May, Google unveiled several significant updates at I/O 2023: new store listing enhancements, AI tools, monetization features, and more. Apple announced that the company terminated 428,000 developer accounts involved in fraudulent activity in 2022. Asodesk introduced a 45% discount on ASO plans for new users. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
All articles by author
9 min read

ASO news digest for April 2023

Google will start automatically archiving unused apps. iOS users will be able to change their paid subscriptions directly from within their apps. Check out our April digest for the latest App Store Optimization news from both the App Store and Google Play. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
All articles by author
8 min read

ASO news digest for March 2023

Apple expanded App Store pricing upgrades to all purchase types. Google can now machine translate Android apps for free. Read the latest App Store Optimization news from the App Store, Google Play in our March digest. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
All articles by author
8 min read

ASO news for February 2023

Google started beta-testing of Privacy Sandbox in Google Play. Apple added peer group benchmarks in App Analytics. Asodesk introduced Keyword Explorer 2.0 with 9 new features. Read the latest App Store Optimization news from the App Store, Google Play, and Asodesk in our February digest. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
All articles by author
6 min read

ASO news for January 2023

Apple increased App Store prices for the United Kindom, South Africa, Norway, Hungary, among other countries. Google now allows you to control when changes to your app are sent for review with new Play Console features. Read the most important App Store Optimization news from January about the App Store, Google Play, and Asodesk in our digest. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
All articles by author
6 min read

ASO news for December: final digest of 2022

Apple announced its biggest pricing update in the App Store and added 700 new pricing points. Google clarified rules regarding Target API Level policy. Read all the major ASO news from Google Play and App Store for December in the last digest of 2022. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
All articles by author
9 min read

ASO news digest for November 2022

Apple announced live presentations and Q&A sessions with experts. Google added new core vitals that influence app visibility on Google Play. Asodesk now allows you to see search results in four ASO tools with the Explore button. Read all the important App Store Optimization news from Google Play, App Store, and Asodesk in our digest. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
All articles by author
9 min read

ASO news digest for October 2022

Apple updated its App Store guidelines. Google introduced 5 updates that can help you to better understand your app’s delivery performance. Asodesk released a global market research on which apps need ASO. Read the most important App Store Optimization news from October about the App Store, Google Play, and Asodesk in our digest. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
All articles by author
7 min read

ASO news digest for September

Google implemented a 24-hour delay for the publication of new reviews. Apple increased prices for in-app purchases in many countries. Asodesk introduced the new Keyword Dynamics tool. Read all important App Store Optimization news from the App Store and Google Play for September in our digest. Read more

Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Julia Suliagina
Asodesk Content Manager. She writes newsletters and articles in blog. Make all complex topics in ASO easy and interesting.
All articles by author
3 min read

Reviews on Google Play will be published with a 24-hour delay: how it can affect your work

User reviews will appear on Google Play 24 hours after they are written. This news was shared by Mishaal Rahman on his Twitter account, and you can already see it on Google Play Console. According to Google, this new feature will help to automatically recognize suspicious Rating and Review activity. Read more