ASO News Digest, June 2020
We restart our monthly column of ASO news review. In the June Digest we will review the results of WWDC 2020 conference, redesign of Google Play Console and discuss new ASOdesk tools.
App Store News
This year’s WWDC 2020 conference was held online for the first time due to the coronavirus pandemic. Apple has announced many changes to iOS 14, but we are going to focus on those important for ASO-experts.
Apple review process has changed
Apple allowed developers to appeal violations of App Store rules. After the conference, the company even promised to create a separate process for this. Appeals will be accepted by the App Review Board.
If you find an error (such as in metadata) after publishing the application, Apple moderators will not delay the release of the update to resolve this error due to disputes over other issues.
This decision was probably triggered by Apple’s recent scandal with Hey email app. The creators of the service accused Apple of extortion: App Store refused to publish bug fixes forcing Hey to start offering a subscription in the app itself. The mail service offered users to pay for a subscription only on its website.
Product page design has changed
Now the app page looks like the Apple Arcade game page. An improved dashboard and scrollbar can be found now under the icons.
Featured cards has changed
Featuring — special selections with app recommendations on stores. Previously, users the App Store only saw an app that took the first position of recommendations. Now they will be able to see several of the first apps from the selection.
Apple Clips
App Clip is a mini-version of the app. For example, you can order food or rent a kick scooter without installing the app itself. You can open App Clip by NFC tags, QR codes, links, tagged places in “Maps”.
App Clip is hosted on the App Store along with the publication of the project. In Clip, you can use Apple Pay and Sign in with Apple.
Users will be able to share subscriptions with family members
In addition to universal purchases, it is possible to create family subscriptions — one payment centre for multiple users. This will affect metadata: to advertise family subscriptions, you will have to change them.
Autocorrection for search queries with typos
Previously, specialists used typo queries to improve the app’s ranking. For example, an air tickets sales service could use “plane tickt” and “plan ticket” queries with mistypes. Now the App Store will automatically fix typos and show a correct search result for a correct search query.
We share life hacks that will help improve keyword positions and get more installs in article “5 life hacks on app optimization on App Store and Google Play”.
Autocomplete Search
Autocomplete Search shows the first available tooltip in the list. It can be included in the keyword list to improve the ranking of the app.
A separate page for collected data (App Privacy)
Apple requires all applications to ask users for permission to track data. Data is now collected on a separate page.
Google Play News
In June, a new beta version of Play Console was released. Here are updates that will be of interest for ASO specialists.
New Metrics
Google Play added new metrics to help assess the effectiveness of different versions of the app’s pages. New charts:
- number of app pages views and installs;
- conversion;
- number of transitions to the application page on key search queries.
All data can be filtered by country, region, language, source, and compared for different periods.
Keyword analytics by countries (Acquisition Report)
Previously, an ASO specialist could only see general keyword analytics. New version allows finding out what keywords are used to find the app in each specific country.
To learn how to properly analyze keywords in Google Play, read, how to run ASO in Google Play: the main principles and rules.
New tools in ASOdesk
Keyword Shuffler
This is a new free ASO tool. You need to enter up to four words and press the Shuffle button. The algorithm will make phrases automatically. You will only have to check the appropriate boxes and upload the data to the table. The resulting keywords can be added to Keyword Analytics for further work.
Missing Competitor Keywords
Reduces the time to study search queries. You can quickly add new queries using the built-in search on the app store or on your selection of saved competitors.
Apple Search Ads Suggestions
It provides search recommendations from Apple Search Ads advertising network.
Text Analyzer
This tool analyses the description of any app from App Store and Google Play. It breaks down the description of applications into search queries into from one to three words, shows their density, and count.
To test the tools or ask questions about our service, please send your request to
Also, we held the first ASOdesk Academy for English-speaking audiences in June. During one week our students mastered all the intricacies of app store optimization. Students learned how to optimize applications for different platforms, build a semantic core, do ASO in different languages, form hypotheses, measure effectiveness, and analyze competitors.
Here you can find our ASO experts. If you have any questions about ASO, they can answer it, review your apps, and give feedback at any time.