Top 10 Asodesk features for promoting apps in the App Store and Google Play
We covered different approaches to App Store Optimization and working with reviews using Asodesk tools and explained how to apply them.
Elizabeth Komarova
Customer Success Lead

We talked about:
  • How to analyze competitors and stand out among them
  • How to seamlessly enter new markets
  • How to collect a semantic core in 10 minutes
  • How to respond to reviews twice as fast
  • How to create a data-driven app promotion strategy
  • How to use user feedback to improve your app
Elizabeth Komarova, Customer Success Lead at Asodesk
Elizabeth joined ASO field right after she finished university.
After three years of working in the company, she has gone from manager to leader.

She endeavors to create maximum synergy between the client and the company.
Watch the webinar recording
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