Mobile App Marketing trends in 2021: roundtable discussion with the experts
We will talk about all the trends of 2021 from visual optimization to indexing changes in the App Store
February 17 | 5 pm GMT
Artiom Tkaczuk
ASO expert at ASOdesk [Moderator]
Altai Zeynalov
ASO community activist
Sergey Konovalov
CEO at Mobio
Maxim Romanovsky
Head of Go Mobile Indonesia
Valeria Shubina
Head of User Acquisition at Mobio
We will talk about
  • New Google Play Console analytics
  • IDFA
  • App Store reduced commission
  • Creatives & A/B testing
  • Brand positioning
  • Competition of paid UA budgets
  • Сhanges in Stores
  • ASO trends in 2021
No need to travel to another continent to get first-hand answers to your questions
  • Artiom Tkaczuk
    ASO expert at ASOdesk / Moderator
    ASO manager,, platforms for creating branded taxi applications and other on-demand services. Over 200 applications in 75 countries. The number of active users is more than 1.3 million people.

    Among his clients are Tirhal (Sudan), PassApp (Cambodia), Kaiian (Saudi Arabia), Otaxi (Oman).
  • Altai Zeynalov
    ASO community activist / Expert
    ASO activist in the CIS countries. Creator of the "ASO Secrets" YouTube channel, ASO channels and chats in telegram . ASO specialist since 2015.
  • Maxim Romanovsky
    Head of Go Mobile Indonesia / Expert
    Maksim is an experienced media strategist and really close with the market. He's focused on building Indonesian brand and working with the high-priority сlients. During his lead, Go Mobile Indonesia managed to become autonomous and profitable.
  • Sergey Konovalov
    CEO at Mobio / Expert
    Entrepreneur, 16 years in digital ad, mobile app marketing expert. Mobio is the biggest technology-based end-to-end digital marketing agency in Russia. Now Mobio Russia is a part of global AdTech Group, incorporated in the UK with headquarters in London.
  • Valeria Shubina
    Head of User Acquisition at Mobio /Expert
    7 years in digital marketing, during this time she managed to acquire expertise on different fronts: from the CPA network, client marketing department and agency service.
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February 17, 5 pm GMT
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