Asodesk helps app developers 4x their organic app installs with professional tools and work practices
Explore our case studies and find out how we achieve such great results
Mamba is a dating app. Learn how the developers of Mamba deal with negative, positive, and featured reviews.
Aloha Mobile
Read how the Aloha browser app used ASO to quadruple its organic installs on the App Store and almost triple them on Google Play.
Read how ABBYY used ASO to improve keyword rankings in priority locales and increase installs from App Store and Google Play Searches.
DEVGAME is an international full-cycle company developing mobile games for kids from 1 to 6 years old and their parents.
DevGame is a full-cycle company specializing in the development of mobile games. Read how they significantly increased downloads, conversions, and app revenue.
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Data & insights to make the right decision
We analyze vast amounts of data to provide you with high-quality insights
Accurate data
We use a proprietary algorithm based only on mobile data to show you precise statistics on keywords and installs you can trust.
Complete set of ASO features
You'll find all the features, tools, and reports you need for an effective ASO workflow: from research and metadata development to estimating success.
Unlimited history
Go back in time to discover any data for your app or a competitor's app for any period and version you want.
Advanced reports & alerts
You can track all available metrics and changes with daily and weekly reports sent via email or Slack — and customize them for your needs.
Users love Asodesk
Ryan K.
App Store Optimization Manager, Neil Patel Digital
Asodesk significantly reduces the time it takes me to build a keyword database in any language. The reporting is visually the best I have seen on the market. Asodesk has become one of the most important tools in my ASO toolbox. This is because they have features not found on any other platform or tool. I highly recommend Asodesk for advanced ASO research and metadata development.

Constantine S.
ASO Manager, G5
The best automatic ASO reports. With these reports, you can always gauge what's happening with your apps' positions, traffic, how product updates influenced these changes, and in which countries.
Nika G.
Senior Performance Marketing Manager, Ada Health
Asodesk monitors a large number of countries and offers flexible plans for developers.
Artiom G.
ASO & Release Manager,
We've tried about five different ASO services and chose Asodesk because it's the only platform that meets all of our needs. And they have great ASO courses, too!
Max K.
CEO, LovePlanet
We have been working with Asodesk since the platform was created. It was one of the first services on the market, and the idea was later copied by other businesses. With the help of Asodesk, we seamlessly manage all sorts of work challenges — from monitoring statistics and reviews to forecasting traffic, all for dozens of apps all around the world. We like this platform because, unlike other services, it allows us to adjust the product according to our needs.
Anne A.
Head of Email and Portal Business Unit,
We are using the platform Asodesk to track our app in the search results of App Store and Google Play. The system is very good and gets all the required tasks done easily.
Andrew M.
CEO, Aloha Mobile
When we were selecting ASO tools, we immediately excluded those that were presenting broad data in exchange for our iTunes connect logins. Asodesk is optimal for our targets, and we have made just the right choice! We are using all the Asodesk functions available, as they provide maximum effectiveness, substantially saving us time.
Egor K.
Marketing Manager, OneTwoTrip
A project that helps apps grow. It is suitable for both small and global business tasks. A cool tool for cool teams!
Product & Analytics
Detailed analysis of the semantic core with Asodesk allowed to outline tree of the most prioritized queries with moderate competition and sufficient traffic for application promotion. Today, the game has almost 2 million downloads and has been getting 30 thousand new users a day in its peak performance.
ASO Director, Gambino Slots
We have been working with Asodesk for more than a year. We have also tried using other services simultaneously. But our view is that Asodesk is the most convenient one, when it comes to keyword research. We are using almost all of the service's capabilities, and we have significantly increase our search queue positions in the App Store and Google Play.
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