The only platform you need for App Review Management
Save your support team time and improve your app's rating using tools for App Review Management, Monitoring & Automation
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Trusted by 65,000+ mobile leaders worldwide
Reply to All
User Reviews
Receive user feedback in real time, across app stores
Customer Support
Automatically reply to users, categorize and translate reviews
App Reviews & Ratings
Analyze new user feedback and rating changes
Reply to All User Reviews in One Place
You'll never miss a user review even if you have 100 apps on both stores in 100 countries. Use templates, tags and filters to speed up the replying process. Integrate Asodesk with help desk services for your convenience.
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Reduce Time on Review Management with Automation
Automate the process of responding to users with auto-replies and categorize your user feedback by auto-tagging reviews. Understand any user with auto-translations and use bulk actions to report a concern instantly.
no credit card required
Monitor Changes in Your User Feedback
Track changes in reviews and ratings to see how users react to your app updates. Get customized reports and alerts sent via Slack or email to stay up-to-date on changes that impact your work.
no credit card required
no credit card required
Start managing your app reviews for free
One platform for all of your apps
Integrate an unlimited number of App Store Connect and Google Play Console accounts and manage all your apps through a single interface
Workflow automation
Automate work with user reviews and save your tech support team time.
Powerful integrations
Connect Zendesk, Omnidesk, email, and Slack with Asodesk, receive user reviews and reply to them directly.
Advanced reports & alerts
You can track all available changes and stats with daily and weekly reports sent via email or Slack — and customize them to your needs.
The best customers choose Asodesk

Egor K.
Marketing Manager, OneTwoTrip
A project that helps apps grow. It is suitable for both small and global business tasks. A cool tool for cool teams!
Nika G.
Senior Performance Marketing Manager, Ada Health
Asodesk monitors a large number of countries and offers flexible plans for developers.
Max K.
CEO, LovePlanet
We have been working with Asodesk since the platform was created. It was one of the first services on the market, and the idea was later copied by other businesses. With the help of Asodesk, we seamlessly manage all sorts of work challenges — from monitoring statistics and reviews to forecasting traffic, all for dozens of apps all around the world. We like this platform because, unlike other services, it allows us to adjust the product according to our needs.
Anne A.
Head of Email and Portal Business Unit,
We are using the platform Asodesk to track our app in the search results of App Store and Google Play. The system is very good and gets all the required tasks done easily.
ASO Director, Gambino Slots
We have been working with Asodesk for more than a year. We have also tried using other services simultaneously. But our view is that Asodesk is the most convenient one, when it comes to keyword research. We are using almost all of the service's capabilities, and we have significantly increase our search queue positions in the App Store and Google Play.
Grow your app rating with Asodesk
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